The Ellis Island National Museum of Immigration is a living monument to the story of the American people. Housed inside the restored Main Building of the former immigration complex, the Museum documents the rich story of American immigration through a carefully curated collection of photographs, heirlooms, and searchable historic records.

Visitors touring the Great Hall, baggage room, and restored dormitories can feel the spirit of the hopeful arrivals eager to find opportunity, and the Museum’s interactive exhibits bring their voyages to life. Each display sheds light on the immigration process, and allows visitors to gain an appreciation for the nuances of the American melting pot.
Constantly evolving, the Museum doesn’t end with tales of Ellis Island and its golden doors – it also highlights immigration before and after the Ellis era. Thought-provoking and moving, the Museum celebrates all of those who have searched for promise and possibility and honors the complexities and contradictions of the migrant journey.
The Family History Center
Find your place in history by searching through a massive collection of immigration records. Connect with your ancestors’ experiences, and follow the paths that led them to American soil.
The American Immigrant Wall of Honor
Salute your family and heritage at this unique monument to immigration, and join the Museum in celebrating who we are, and where we came from. Add your family’s name to the Wall of Honor.
Museum Information
The National Immigration Museum traces the story of human movement to tell the story of Who We Are as Americans. We ask visitors to examine their own histories and encourage them to think about where we all fit in the modern world.
A piece of history itself, Ellis Island is both memorial and museum. By welcoming families and visitors to its doors, we create an opportunity for cultural understanding and forge a continuum with our own heritage.